
Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013

skin, teeth, hair- my morning routine in summer

Hello my Lovelies, today you will follow me through my current morning routine.
Let's jump right in to the world of treats for your tired version of you!
#1 The first thing I do, is brushing my teeth. After this step I feel so much more awake than before. I use the blend-a-med complete plus/ extra fresh. So minty! My toothbrush is a simple one by Colgate.
#2 Every morning I look forward to washing my face, because the smell of L'orèals Hydra active 3/ sensitive cleanser is amazing! The most fresh wash, I ever used.
#3 Than I apply the Nivea aqua effect toner on my face. It keeps my skin clean and hydrated.
#4 If my skin feels dry, I like to go with the simple Dove moisturiser. For my hands I use an intense hand moisturiser, also by Dove.
#5 Another Dove product, I swear they don't pay me, I simply love there products. This it's the gofresh deodorant, in a quite fruity, lemony scent. Out of all the deos I used, this works best for me.
#6 Last, sometimes my hairends tend to feel dry, when I wake up. To get rid of that, I simply apply a little, tiny bit of  Nivea on them.

3 Kommentare:

  1. I love your blog!<3
    Visit my blog, www.dyverst.blogspot.com

  2. Nivea nehme ich auch immer.;)
    Ne,ich benutze gar keinen Nagelhärter oder ähnliches,meine Nägel sind von
    natur aus bomben fest und hart.xD
    Das einzige was ich nehme,ist Biotin aber nur die 5mg,denn von 10mg gibt's Pickel.:-)
    Liebe Grüße Nessa

    1. Achso, da hast du aber Glück :) Danke!
      Liebe Grüße zurück! Timi


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